Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Guide to Bushcraft and Woodcraft Skills now posted

As promised in the previous post, I've published the guide I was working on.  Because of it's length, I decided to add it as a separate page on this blog.  Just click the tab at the top of the page entitled "Basic Guide to Bushcraft and Woodcraft".  If anyone has any comments or notices any glaring mistakes or omissions, Please let me know by commenting on this post.  I hope you enjoy reading it and I hope it is in someway useful to you.


  1. Excellent post, well done, first rate.
    Le Loup.

  2. Very nice NEV
    I used to have a habit of just heading out for a hike on the drop of a hat. But after falling & then crawling for 2 hours to get to my car it occurred to me that no one knew where I was. I now email a friend where I am heading and again when I get back. With the idea that help could be on its way the next day. [Frost*r]
